Thursday, 23 January 2014

Yoga teacher training India - What is Mantra

What is Mantra?
In Sanskrit Mantra is having very deeper meaning.
Those who know say that Mantra is not merely few words or collection of words or any typical language. Sanskrit word ‘Mantra’ comprises of two words. ‘Man’ (mind) means ‘to think ’and ‘Tra’ means ‘expansion’ or ‘to protect’ or ‘free from bondages’ or ‘merging’.

Mantras are coded language or specific vibrations or secret signs in world’s most scientific Sanskrit language. NASA, USA uses Sanskrit language.
Science believes that sound or vibrations are energy.
When certain sound produces in a certain tone or style or rhythm, desired powers or Shakti comes and accumulates. There are infinite powers beyond mind. These powers activates beyond mind and start functioning in the desired direction or specific purpose. 
Mantra means controlling the mind.
Mantra means directing the mind
Mantra means knowing the mind
Mantra means flowing above the mind
Mantra means realising the mind.
Mantra means understanding the mind.
Mantra means going beyond the mind.
Mantra means the treasure of powers.
Mantra means Devata (Divine powers)
Mantra is Daviy Shakti

'Mananat-trayate iti Mantrah'
Salvation is attained by constant reciting Mantra.
Through Mantra one can easily attain fourfold fruits (Chaturvarga), i.e., Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Mantra Yoga reveals the innermost divine communion of Self-realization.

How many sections of Mantras are there?
Mantra Yoga is inner science which has following six sections:
1.   Rsi (Rishi) (Self-realized Master) to whom particular Mantra revealed for the first time and who gave to the world. Drashta or Seer for this Mantra. For example, Sage Viswamitra is the Rishi for Gayatri Mantra.
2.   Chanda (Chhandas) (metre), which governs the articulation of the voice.
3.   Devata or supernatural being: Each Mantra has a particular, higher or lower, as its informing power as Devata or Devi which is the presiding deity of the Mantra.
4.   Bija or seed: Bija has immense potential but hidden. Similarly each +mantra has some hidden potential powers. Bija is the essence of the Mantra.
5.   Shakti: The energy hidden in the Mantra is in the form of Shakti. For example it could be in the form of vibrations or sounds or others.  These powers take the aspirant to the goal.
6.   Kilaka: means a pillar or a pin. With constant and prolonged repetition, one can unplug this Kilaka. No sooner this Kilaka is removed The Chaitnya, the hidden power is revealed. One gets Darshana (insight).
(Utkilan: (plug) : Key hole, plug)

Mantra is pure power of sound with immense powers. Mantra to be recited with devotion, dedication and sincerity, so one gets requisite results associated with respective Mantra. Mantra cures diseases, heals, and brings health and happiness. Gives libration and opens the paths of spirituality.

yoga teacher training India

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